
Dental examinations are at the core of maintaining healthy teeth for life.

Your introduction to Dental Examinations

Breakdown: routine check-ups are necessary for preventing future dental problems and identifying and monitoring existing problems relating to your oral health.

Life Benefits: dental examinations are instrumental in ensuring you do not fall foul to premature tooth loss and wider health conditions.

Appointments: ranges from 3-12 monthly appointments. Your dentist will advise you on the recommended frequency based on your oral health.

Your Routine Dental Examination

Your routine dental examination will encompass the following:

  • Identifying signs of decay and infection.
  • Checking over your gums for signs of gum disease and possible referral to our dentist with a special interest in Periodontology (gums), or our hygienist.
  • Assessing the condition of any dental work you have had carried out.
  • Checking for evidence of tooth wear including teeth clenching and grinding (bruxism).
  • Checking for signs of oral cancer.
  • Assessing the condition of your jaw joint.

Looking after our Nervous Patients

For some of our patients, a dental examination can be a real source of anxiety. If you’re someone who feels apprehensive, please do let us know how you feel. We value the importance of having kindness and compassion at the heart of our profession as dentists, and we will do everything possible to accommodate you if you’re feeling nervous.

Why Choose Kirby Dental Practice?

Our dental practice in Teddington provides a friendly and welcoming environment with exacting standards – we want our patients to feel happy and relaxed when they come in to see us. We’ll do everything we can to make this a reality, thanks to our highly trained team and state-of-the-art clinical technology.

We will always give you all the information and detail necessary, so that you can make an independent decision about going forward with a given treatment. Our dentists are also great communicators who can talk about dental health in a way you can understand. They will guide you on how to improve your dental health and deliver advice in a non-critical manner.

For more information regarding this treatment
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To speak with a member of our team to arrange or cancel an appointment or to make an enquiry as a new or existing patient, please get in touch.

We understand you might be nervous We’re here to change that

Nervous patients are welcome at Kirby Dental – we will always strive to make you comfortable during your dental appointments.

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